Monday, October 18, 2010


In anticipation of the opening of the new addition to the Crocker Art Museum, I asked for the evening off work and headed down Capital Way. Walking past the Crocker mansion, I was instantly amazed by the beautiful new building and its architecture. I was not surprised to find that I was greeted by a large flock of museum-goers. After several minutes of toiling with oversized bags and baby strollers, I managed to squeeze my way through the lobby- a feat proving to be difficult more and more as I was being pushed back by an eager audience. By the time I found my way around, I was able to finally focus on the original purpose that I had journeyed there for- to slowly meander my way through decades of art, life, and culture. The following is a brief description of the layout of my Crocker Art tour:

African art and artifacts.

Wayne Thiebaud (my personal favorite).
Pioneer art (16 & 17 C).
Impressionist art.
Art deco.
Local artists.

Asian art and artifacts.

I most enjoyed the vibrant and vividly animated paintings of Wayne Thiebaud. Cakes, pies, cupcakes, cheese- my favorite subjects! What is most interesting of his pieces is the layering of paint strokes. Thick strokes upon more thick strokes of acrylic paint bring to his work a sense of rhythm and movement. Thiebaud's work makes me appreciate that you don't necessarily need precision in every line, stroke, or cut. Besides this textured effect, Thiebaud also heavily relies upon light to gain his audience's attention. Every piece of his work has a distinct light source- each subject is put on a stage with a spotlight for added drama. Even though there might be one piece of cake or nine identical pieces of pie on the canvas, I can stare at it for hours looking at the variety of colors used to play out a dialogue between light and shadow.

I hope this blog inspires you to visit the Crocker Art Museum, if you have not done so already, and take the time to appreciate what our local Sacramento citizens payed so heavily, and willingly, a price to display precious works of art. Whether your taste is in detailed renaissance art, playful patterns of art deco forms, or in artwork with political agendas, there is something to please all types of audiences.

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